Friday, August 31, 2012


My pen name is Cedric Diggory. I chose this pen name because, 1- I love Harry Potter. I mean, who doesn't? To my surprise, a lot of people don't actually. Which I personally do not understand, but whatever. 2- Cedric Diggory is an extremely brave and courageous character. And I look up to him... Even though he is fictitious. I hope to be brave and courageous like him one day. In Harry Potter, he sacrifices a lot for the ones he loves. In that sacrificing way, I am like him... kind of. I always at least try to help others first, before myself. Even though I have not literally given my life for my friends like he did, I like to think that I am the kind of person that would sacrifice anything to help those I love.
Through this creative writing class and this blog, I hope to be able to inspire at least one person. Chances aren't very good, I've never seen myself as a very inspiring person, but I try. And who knows what could happen.


  1. I've never read Harry Potter (or seen the movies). So I've never heard of Cedric. He sounds nice, though.

    You haven't inspired me yet. But it's a long semester. What if the one person you inspire is yourself? #mindblown

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If your intention is to inspire readers, try including one thing in each post that you feel will help you achieve this goal and also help us readers get a better idea of who you are in writing. Try to delve into your pen name and write through his eyes rather than making it seem like you are two different people. What does Cedric mean to you? What about him inspires you? And how can you work that into your own writing?

  4. I have never seen Harry Potter, but I like the creativity and idea for you pen name!
