Halloween. Where everyone dresses up as someone they’re not.
Why do we do this? It’s fun to be different for a change.
Freakin change.
I miss those days when I got so excited to dress up. I always
put so much thought into what I was gong be and I was so happy to go trick or
treating with my dad and brothers. And eating all my candy and feeling so sick
to my stomach.
I miss being little.
Life is scaring me. I’m only 17 yet I feel like I’ve been
under so much pressure for so long and one day soon all my feelings are just
going to explode. I’m scared. I’m scared to grow up. I’m scared of losing…
I’m a pretty positive person. But when it comes to liiiike,
life, I’m pretty pessimistic. I don’t know why.
Halloween is a fantastic holiday.